scotts client reader

Customer Relationship Management

Better Utilise your Data

Understand your customers’ value, segment your customers for outbound marketing and performance-manage your accounts

Companies and contacts

Track the individuals and companies you work with, understand relationships and report at either level.

Track all correspondence & interactions

Keep tabs of customers’ bookings, activities, financials and issues with their CRM profile to better understand their experience and value over time.

Lifecycle tracking

Track customers and prospects from leads to bookings.

Market segmentation

Segment contacts and companies by market, referrer and source of business to improve your messaging to different types of customer.

Email marketing

Synchronise marketing lists with Mail Chimp to facilitate bulk personalised emailing.

Customer Relationship Management

Know your customer

Relationships are core to your business. The CRM capabilities of the system allow you to track all the key elements of your relationships.

Get started

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